Dos and Don’ts of Mother’s Day

Geometry House
Dos and Don’ts of Mother’s Day

When you consider the impact they make on the world, it’s a little ridiculous that a mom’s only official recognition happens once a year. And while we could spend all day telling you why moms deserve a lot more than one days, we’d rather help you make this Mother’s Day ultra-special. Because when it comes to the woman who loved, raised and nurtured you or you children, you don’t want to phone it in. 

So with all those amazing moms in mind, here are a few things you should – and shouldn’t – do this Mother’s Day.

Don’t: Plan mom’s every minute

Do: Give mom some free time

If there’s one thing no mother has enough of, it’s time. There are never enough hours in the day for all her responsibilities – or enough moments to spend with the people she loves. And unless you’re an only child, chances are your siblings all want a piece of mom on Mother’s Day too (story of her life, right?). 

Rather than planning every moment of the day, give mom some time to relax. Whether you arrange a massage, send her on a solo shopping trip, or just free her up to spend time with the entire family, be sure you’re not overbooking her – and adding more stress to her plate – on Mother’s Day.

Don’t: Gift her household goods

Do: Gift her hobbies and relaxation

Sure, most moms love being moms – but that doesn’t mean they live for the cooking, cleaning, carpooling, errands and myriad other chores that come along with the job. So before you go hunting for a new pair of kitchen gloves or a shiny vacuum cleaner, try finding something a little more fun and personal – and something she wouldn’t normally buy herself. 

Need help finding the perfect gift? Think about mom’s most beloved hobbies and let those inspire you. For a beach or pool-goer, try a new beach bag and a cute Geometry beach towel. If she’s a yogi, we’ve got you covered with a mate for her mat she’ll love each time she practices. For other inspiring ideas, check out our entire Mother’s Day collection, which is sure to please all year long.

Don’t: Take her to breakfast

Do: Make the entire family breakfast

There’s nothing like waking up to a delicious breakfast in bed – unless, of course, it means not waking up at all because someone’s got breakfast covered for everyone. This Mother’s Day, forgo an early breakfast in bed in favor of letting mom sleep in – even if that means handling all the tough stuff (like lots of hungry little mouths). 

Of course, if you want to treat mom to a yummy meal (we recommend this avocado toast, but go with your gut on this one), have something waiting when she (naturally) wakes up. She’ll be rested and ready for some delicious family time.

Don’t: Get her a generic card

Do: Write her a letter

If those grocery store stands are making you feel the holiday pressure, we get it; greeting cards and Mother’s Day are like Thanksgiving and turkey. But this year, dig a little deeper and deliver a message from your heart, not Hallmark’s or Papyrus’s. 

If you have to buy a card, make sure you get one with lots of space for writing all the things you appreciate and admire about your mom or wife. She’ll appreciate the extra effort, and the card will become a keepsake she’ll treasure for years. 

Don’t: Make it ONE good day

Do: Keep the appreciation going

All good things must come to an end, but the love and appreciation mom feels on Mother’s Day shouldn’t. Keep the celebration going by gifting mom a future experience she’ll enjoy – like concert tickets, a spa day or even a weekend trip. That way, mom feels loved and appreciated today and has something to look forward to in the future.

Don’t: Send the kids away

Do: Plan some (relaxing) fun for the family

As much as moms love (and need) free time to relax and enjoy their favorite hobbies, most moms don’t want to spend the entirety of Mother’s Day alone. While it’s thoughtful to gift your mom or wife some free time, don’t send the kids away for the entire day. She’ll want to enjoy the gifts and attention of her main squeezes, while the kids will learn a great lesson on appreciation and service (if you do the day right!). 

Think of some activities the whole family will enjoy without making too much work for mom. A picnic in the park or a family bike ride could be an easy and relaxing way to spend the day.

Don’t: Stop with your wife/mom

Do: Remember all the mothers in your life

Sure, your mom or the mother of your children takes top billing on Mother’s Day. But take some time to recognize and appreciate all the mothers who impact your life. From your kids’ teachers to your aunts, grandmothers, siblings and friends, that kind of nurturing nature makes the world go round. So, find ways to show your appreciation – even if it’s just a card or a quick text. Don’t be shy! Spread the love to the ladies this Mother’s Day.

Need some Mother’s Day inspiration? Check out our new collection for prints as cheerful and lovely as mom herself. And from the entire Geometry team, we wish all you lovely ladies a beautiful Mother’s Day.