5 Ways to Gift Smarter This Year

Simplify your gift-giving game with these strategies
They call it the most wonderful time of the year, but even the merriest among us probably related to The Grinch when he nixed all those Christmas presents. Let’s be honest, regardless of your heart’s size, seasonal gifts can be stressful. From stretching your dollars to finding that perfect item to ensuring you don’t leave anyone out, the season of giving tends to take a whole lot out of us.
Rest easy, fellow grinches. We’ve got some solid strategies for stressing less over your holiday gift list – and a few great recommendations to boot! So before you start (or continue) the charging and wrapping, take a minute to reset your game plan with these hot tips.
Set Expectations
If you’ve been a parent for literally any amount of time, you’re familiar with the age-old shame of a disappointed gift recipient. While friends and other family members might not be so, well, generous, with their dissatisfaction, it’s nice to make sure everyone’s on the same page when it comes to gifts.
If you’re simplifying or scaling back this year, tell your family beforehand. A simple, “we’re trying to keep our gifts on the smaller side this year” or even a set budget discussion should help kids and teens understand what will – and won’t – be turning up under the tree this year.
For friends and family, be open and honest early on. A quick “I’m just doing something simple for friends and neighbors this year” or “I’m hosting a dinner party for friends instead of giving gifts” will likely be welcome news to your friends, who won’t feel pressured to reciprocate a more elaborate offering.
Harness Your Talents
Finding perfectly suited items within budget is a tall order – especially when you’re doing it for dozens of people. If you want a gift that’s truly unique and from the heart, consider your gifts. A homemade ornament, freshly baked bread, hand-knitted scarf or homegrown garden salsa are impressive and heartfelt without requiring the stressful selection process (or the giant credit card bill). Even if it’s a hobby you’ve only just picked up, your friends and family will be touched by a true gift of self.
Create Structure
Not everyone would describe themselves as “organized” (we certainly wouldn’t), but putting a little structure around family gift-giving can help you feel a little more Marie Kondo and a little less Clark Griswold this holiday season.
When it comes to your family, creating a “7 Gift Rule” or something similar simultaneously sets expectations and simplifies your holiday shopping. Simply Well Balanced explains the 7 Gift Rule, which designates specific categories of Christmas gifts for each family member. Whether you use this or something similar (the 4 Gift Rule is also popular), you can rest easy knowing your family’s gifts are as good as simplified.
Opt for the Exchange
When you consider your friends, family members, teachers, coworkers and everyone else deserving of your holiday cheer, it probably amounts to a whole lotta gifts. If you’re overwhelmed at the idea of finding (and funding) 3,456 holiday presents, it might be time to transform your gift-giving into gift exchanging.
If you’ve got specific groups you always gift – like siblings, girlfriends, cousins or neighbors – consider pitching an exchange amongst the group rather than a straight gift-to-everyone approach. Not only will an exchange simplify your gift list, but giving to just one person in the group allows you to spend a little more effort (and dollars) on the perfect item. Throw a fun little party and open gifts in front of each other for a festive experience that’s not just a drain on your energy and budget.
Keep Standby Items on Hand
Even the best gift-givers slip up once in a while, and if you’ve ever forgotten a teacher, neighbor or friend, you know the shame of turning up empty handed. That’s why we always keep a stash of festive items ready to stand in (and shine!) for any worthy recipient.
Our classic tea towels are perfect for just about anyone on your list, while an item from our holiday collection ensures your gift is festive and thoughtful. These, along with our Not Paper Towels, Bar Towels and Dishcloths, make the perfect hostess gifts and are pretty enough give on their own – no elaborate wrapping required.
Don’t let holiday giving give you stress! This year, gift smarter with these strategies – and a big cache of Geometry House goodies. Head over to our site for all the merry and knock your gift list out of the park (before you’ve even had a chance to check it twice!).