6 Can’t-Miss Spring Activities

Geometry House
6 Can’t-Miss Spring Activities

The days are warming up, school is winding down and let’s talk about that sunshine for a minute. Around here, we consider spring the most cheerful season of the year. With flowers blooming and birds chirping, smiles are a given – especially when you’re enjoying some of the season’s must-do activities. We don’t know about you, but we’ve got a whole list of things we can’t wait to do this spring – and if you don’t have one yet, ours is yours for the taking!

Stop and smell the flowers

From cherry blossoms in Washington D.C. to California’s poppy bloom and all the tulips, lilies and daffodils in between, you can make flowers a destination of their own come spring. Not only will you get a full dose of nature and sunshine, but those blooms can actually make you happy! According to Vogue, it’s scientifically proven that flowers just make you feel better.

So pack a picnic, load up the kids (or just yourself!) and find a natural bloom or a flower field somewhere near your home. If you’re a flora novice, hop over to Culture Trip for a list of the country’s best options.

Plant a garden

Speaking of all that nature, why not bring a little of the green stuff home? Planting a garden – even a small garden – can be beneficial to your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. According to Healthline, gardening gives you a good dose of sunshine and vitamin D, which can help prevent disease. Additionally, gardening helps you build strength and even sharpens your memory. 

Whether you’ve got an acre or just a few containers to work with, now’s the time to plant a few seeds – and don’t go it alone! Gardening is a great activity for the entire family, so be sure to rope in some farmhands. 

Move in the sun

If the past couple years have taught us anything, it’s that we need to get out of the house! And you can kill two birds with one stone by planning a few outdoor workouts. According to Fitness Nation, moving your workouts outside is a great way to relieve stress, breathe cleaner air, boost your mental health and – wait for it – even burn more calories! 

So while the sun is out, take a nice walk, a mid-morning run, move your yoga practice to the backyard or try an outdoor circuit routine like this one from Shape Magazine. And if you need a little extra motivation, our new yoga towels and fitness towels are just the ticket. Hop over to see the collection – then head outside!

Ride a bike

There’s just something about getting on two wheels that makes you feel like a kid again. This spring, make a goal to do a little less driving and a little more bike-riding. Not only is cycling great for your cardiovascular health, it can also strengthen your immune system and help you lose weight, according to Cycling Weekly – all while enjoying the fresh springtime air. 

Of course, everything is more enjoyable with friends or loved ones, so recruit your besties or your kids for a ride to lunch, the park or wherever the bike lane takes you!

Find a beach

There’s a reason they refer to a good day as a “day at the beach” – because days don’t get better than those spent at the beach. There’s just something about that crisp breeze, those sandy feet and that intoxicating smell of sunscreen that get all the endorphins flowing. 

This spring, find yourself a good beach – whether it’s the ocean, a lake, river or the neighborhood pool (it’ll do in a pinch) for some much-needed vitamin D and soothing hydrotherapy. And of course, be sure to arrive in style with one of our lightweight and ultra-absorbent beach towels.

Be a good sport

If springtime makes you think hot dogs and cracker jacks, we’re right there with you! One of our favorite seasonal activities is enjoying a good baseball game – whether it’s a professional team or your little all-star’s t-ball clan. Grab your stadium chair and a cap for a fun few hours – or get in the game yourself! Organize a group of sporty friends for softball, soccer or even some park volleyball. There’s no better season to let your inner athlete shine.

With the sunshine here (hopefully) to stay, you know where you can find our familyand we hope to see you at the beach, on the bike trail or in the flower fields too! Happy spring!