2022 Resolution: Make your kitchen more sustainable

Love them or hate them, New Year’s resolutions are a long-beloved tradition – and just because we’re halfway through January, that doesn’t mean it’s too late for some positive change in 2022. While only seven in 10 Americans will make resolutions for 2022 (something tells us Mr. Omicron is somehow to blame for this), here at Geometry, we’re always up for a little self-improvement – especially when it benefits the environment!
If you’re like us, you’re always looking for ways to make your life a little more environmentally friendly, and here’s how we can all do it in the kitchen this year:
Ditch the chemicals
In what we’ll now refer to as the “Covid years,” we’ve all been guilty of reaching for the first (and sometimes the only) antibacterial cleaner we can find. But with a new year upon us, now is the perfect time to swap those harsh chemicals for something more environmentally friendly.
Believe it or not, you can still enjoy a clean kitchen (and even clean hands!) without sacrificing your environmental goals. We love this comprehensive list from Good Housekeeping that’s basically a cheat sheet for eco-friendly household cleaners. Check it out and start keeping your kitchen – and the earth – a little cleaner.
Buy local
If your produce drawer is chock-full of healthy greens and delicious fruits, well, we want to be you when we grow up. But next time you restock your fridge, try to stick to locally grown fruits and veggies. Whether you visit your local farmer’s market, find a local delivery service or pay better attention to those stickers in the grocery store, you’re helping the environment by buying produce grown close to home.
Not only will you enjoy fresher produce, you’ll also have the peace of mind of knowing your food wasn’t trucked for miles and miles, emitting carbon all the way. Bonus: the local stuff usually tastes better too!
Start composting
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a vegan hippie to compost. In fact, composting is all about giving what you use back to the earth – literally! When you compost, you not only use precious food and other organic scraps, but your garden and landscape get a major boost to boot. Additionally, any “trash” you reuse at home won’t wind up in the trash truck and processed into landfills, saving energy all around.
And if you don’t garden, don’t worry! You can always donate your compost to friends and neighbors who do or use it in your outdoor landscaping. Head over to New York Magazine for a complete guide on choosing the right composting bin – and get started today!
Make your linens more sustainable
As a rule, your kitchen linens are more sustainable than any wasteful paper products you might be using instead, so give those towels and washcloths some well-deserved love. But if you want to take your eco game a step further, opt for linens that are sustainably and responsibly made.
Enter (you guessed it) Geometry! Here at Geometry, we’re not just about stylish designs and amazing performance (though we’re dedicated to that too!). Our products are created from post-consumer recycled materials, so you can feel good about what’s hanging in your kitchen (and gracing your dining table!).
Choose longer-lasting cookware
If any resolution that gives you license to shop is a resolution you’ll stick too, well, we get it. That’s why we’re making the case for high-quality, long-lasting cookware that will see you through decades, not months.
Why opt for the durable stuff? Not only will you avoid environmentally questionable materials like Teflon, you’ll also avoid repurchasing pots and pans frequently – which helps reduce your carbon footprint. Head over to The Spruce for a rundown of the most environmentally friendly cookware brands of 2022 to choose your kitchen’s newest (and hopefully longest) companions.
If you’ve been looking for ways to be a little friendlier to the environment, 2022 is your year! Check out our newest collection of eco-friendly towels to make your New Year’s resolutions more stylish than ever!